Monday, 1 September 2014

Internet!! how cheap you are?

Once upon a tine in college we used to attend a computer lab. the computers are shared in hourly basis by many batches.
With the direction of University, collages are mandated to have internet facility in labs. But we can hardly feel the internet merely no internet.The lab assistant used to say 64kbps is huge and net is very fast.. well sometimes by mistake lab assistant let the internet shared to other computers
other than the controlling server. I still remember all BNC connectors. hmmm..

Well internet has evolved day by day and evolved everyone connected to the Information Technology field. The speeds we experienced are emerged from 64kbps to 128, 264, 512 , 1mb, 4mb 16mbps..and wired , wireless, wifi .. what else. More exponential growth in last 10 years. Thanks to the made in china tools.
what is the speed of internet on you mobile now? how cheap it is.. how dependent you on it.
Can we imagine a world without internet?

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